RallyUp has had Donor Profiles for years as a premium feature, but as of last month, we’ve made them free to all RallyUp users!
The word on the street is… first, you get the Donor Profiles, then you get the power, then you get the fundraising success.
Donor Profiles offer detailed insights into each donors data, history and interaction with your cause. So, you can understand your donors better than ever before. Instant access to detailed donor data gifts you with crucial insights into your community.
This knowledge lets you tailor your communications with each supporter. Or reach out to groups of supporters who have interacted with you in similar ways. And you’re in good hands with RallyUp because we offer email options built into your Donor Profiles.

With free Donor Profiles, the world is yours and everything in it:
- Contact information (donor name, supporter type, when donor was first/last seen)
- Statistics (organizational level view of all donor information)
- Donation history (donors first Experience, donors total Experiences)
- Records of Peer-to-Peer registrations made and promoter sign-ups
- Activity timeline (each supporter’s activity over time)
Here’s How!
Log into your RallyUp account and select Donor Profiles from the left menu:

To view a specific Donor Profile, click on their name:

Use the various sections to view past donations, activity history, and more:

Start fundraising with RallyUp today and get free access to your Donor Profiles!