Watch donations and engagement soar by running your fundraiser for the ideal number of days.
Are you looking to run a fundraiser but are not exactly sure how long you should run it for? It is a little tricky to pick the perfect amount of time that will get your donor’s attention and then keep it.
If you run a shorter Campaign, it can be good for creating urgency and getting donations in. If it’s too short, you may lose out on donors who need more time to participate. If you run a longer Campaign, it could give you more marketing time. If it’s too long, it may lose momentum and your supporters might get (dare we say it) bored.
Factors to consider when it comes to how long you should run your fundraiser for:
- The type of Fundraising Activity (or Activities) you are running
- How large your donor base is
- What kind of organization you are
- How established your organization and donor base is
The average sweet spot of what our Fundraising Activities usually run for:
- Online Sale/Crowdfunding/Peer-to-Peer: 30-60 days
- Raffle/Sweepstakes/A-Thon/Peer-to-Peer: 30 days
- Auction/Events & Ticketing: 15 days
Of course, you and your cause are unique so do what works best for you!
Here’s How!
Go to Basics in Experience setup and scroll down to Choose when to end fundraising activities:
Select End my [Activities] on the same date and time, then enter the date and time.
If you’d prefer to end your Activities on different dates and times, select Choose different end dates for my [Activities]:
Then, go to the relevant sections in the timeline to set each Activity end date (e.g., go to Raffle in the timeline to set the end date for your Raffle).
If you want to learn more about how to manage your fundraisers start and end dates, click here!