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Case Study

Kiteboarding 4 Cancer

Kiteboard 4 Cancer (KB4C) is the largest amateur kiteboarding event in North America. It's also the largest annual fundraiser for the nonprofit organization Project Koru, raising more than $1 million over the last several years to help young adult cancer survivors find healing through outdoor adventure. Since Project Koru was founded in 2007, 99% of Camp Koru participants said that the program met their hopes and expectations!

A-ThonsIn-personNational campaign

Campaign Goals

Raise $125,000
Increase awareness
Create opportunities to get

Activities used:

a-thon badge

In 2021, Kiteboarding 4 Cancer aimed to raise $125,000, increase awareness of their organization, and create meaningful opportunities for donors to get involved.

Considerations &

In years past, KB4C brought together kiteboarders from around the world to participate in their signature kiteboarding race in the mighty Columbia River, the Kite Derby. This event is designed to embody the battle that someone facing cancer endures every day.

While the Kite Derby has been the main event of KB4C in past years, 2021 presented several unique challenges. With travel restrictions and safety concerns due to COVID19, KB4C was unsure how much money they would be able to raise at their in-person event.

In addition to concerns about in-person attendance, KB4C also wanted to ensure that their event was easy to set up and simple to access and that logistical challenges wouldn’t cause staff or volunteers to overexert themselves.

The Results

KB4C decided to host a hybrid event and include several other fundraising activities. In addition to the Kite Derby hosted in the Columbia River, KB4C invited participants to race from anywhere as they raised money from their personal network of friends and family via personalized fundraising pages.

Donors had the opportunity to donate directly to a participant or team, purchase a ticket to the main event, buy merchandise, bid on auction items, or buy raffle entries.

KB4C 2021 was a huge success, raising $152,732 to help them meet their mission. The fundraiser also helped spread the word about Project Koru and allowed the organization to create a template for a highly successful hybrid event that can be used as a roadmap in the years to come.

Type of event


Total raised in 2021


In their words

At Project Koru’s signature event, Kiteboard 4 Cancer, we rely on the generosity of our donors to help young adult cancer survivors find healing through community and the outdoors. Unfortunately, the pandemic has made it more challenging than ever for people to meaningfully participate in our cause. While the future of charity events is still taking shape in this new hybrid world, we’re excited to use RallyUp’s new livestreaming platform to grow our fundraisers and engage new donors from all over the world.”
Beth Peck, Executive Director of Kiteboarding4Cancer

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